cast 1667 cp from the series: A face
<p>I made this face cast during a period of lockdown and therefore a few years back when I had 
   fewer lines to my face</p>
<p>Thinking that I should make some more work with it I was rather stumped at first by the 
    historical connotations of these casts as death masks and I thought that I could at least 
    show that I am alive and further find some empathy for the frozen appearance of the cast.</p>
<p>To make the cast I must put on a mask of bandages soaked in plaster of paris, these cloths become like
  a suit of clothes that I have recently steppped out of, the wet plaster I then cast into this negative space forms a positive but lifeless representation of me.
</body> Images Copyright Aldobranti® ©2008-2024. All rights reserved.
performance to Camera, April 2024.

I made this face cast during a period of lockdown and therefore a few years back when I had fewer lines to my face

Thinking that I should make some more work with it I was rather stumped at first by the historical connotations of these casts as death masks and I thought that I could at least show that I am alive and further find some empathy for the frozen appearance of the cast.

To make the cast I must put on a mask of bandages soaked in plaster of paris, these cloths become like a suit of clothes that I have recently steppped out of, the wet plaster I then cast into this negative space forms a positive but lifeless representation of me.

more about: A face...